
Saturday, December 30, 2017

Summer Learning Journey Day 10

Day 9

Activity 1
VE day party

I would invite All my friends and family and we would have a massive  BBQ  and a party.Some people would  have a waterballon fight and a watergun fight.Some would go to the beach,some to the park and play basket ball.

Activity 2
Making a fashion statement

There are different because back then they always dress very fancy and ladies always wear skirts and boys always where shorts or pants.

I prefer the now clothes because you can where what ever you want. I think in 65 years we will be wearng robot armour because we will be attacked by aliens and we will find their clothes and we will make more and stay alive for ever.

Activity 3
Sweet Tooth

My favourite treat is jelly and Here is a  recipe how to make it.
  1. In a medium saucepan, place 2 cups (500ml) apple juice and the raspberries. Bring it to the boil. Remove from heat and whisk in gelatine to dissolve. ...
  2. Pour juice through a strainer to remove raspberry seeds, then pour strained juice into moulds or a bowl. Refrigerate for 3-4 hours, or overnight, to set.

Related image

Summer Learning Journey Day 9

Day 9

Activity 1 - An Eventful Experience

1st Key Event: 
1st September 1939 Germany invades Poland

German forces invaded Poland from the north, south, and west the morning after the Gleiwitz incident. Slovak forces advanced alongside the Germans in northern Slovakia. As the Wehrmacht advanced, Polish forces withdrew from their forward bases of operation close to the Polish–German border to more established lines of defence to the east.

2nd Key Event:
Germans enter Paris

By the time German tanks rolled into Paris, 2 million Parisians had already fled, with good reason. In short order, the German Gestapo went to work: arrests, interrogations, and spying were the order of the day, as a gigantic swastika flew beneath the Arc de Triomphe.
While Parisians who remained trapped in their capital despaired, French men and women in the west cheered-as Canadian troops rolled through their region, offering hope for a free France yet

Activity 2

A call to arms

Leonard Trent

Leonard Trent was awarded his VC medal on the 12th of March 1946. He was awarded his medal for his actions during a daylight bombing raid. Even though multiple units in his squad went down, he continued with his bombing run and completed his mission.

Bonus Activity

Women at Work

One day you are walking along the deck of the ship when you hear a loud bang. You start to run as you see smoke coming from the far end of the ship. You run towards the room where your patients are waiting to receive treatment from the doctor. Just as you arrive at the door to their room you hear another loud bang and you…

I said every one get to the front of the ship we are getting shot at. Do any of you still have a rocket launcher here? Yes I do said a mysterious person in a corner. But it is very powerful and can destroy anything even a plane and a ship. Give it here and I can save us all. He gave me the rocket launcher and I got to the top of the ship. The plane was coming to shoot at us again! So I shot the rocket launcher at it, then a tiny spec suddenly hit the plane. It came flying down and hit the water. We were saved.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Summer Learning Journey Day 8

Day 8

Activity one

When I get stressed I like to go to my room and sit there while I calm down.  I like to play on my ps4 and zone out. Sometimes I take my puppy in to calm me down.

My tips for dealing with stress

1. Spend time on your own.
2. Play a computer game.
3. Play a playstation game.
4. Read a book.
5. Watch a movie (your favourite one)
6. Watch You tube 
7. Play with your pet.
8. Listen to music.

Activity two

Three things you could do for fundraising in the 1930s

Do peoples washing for money
Wash peoples shoes
Hold a dance


If I was to travel back to the 1930's I would take with me
1. books, like novels, colouring books with pencils, dot to dot books
2. board games like, snakes and ladder, monopoly and  noughts and cross etc 
3. television with a dvd player and dvds
4. potato chips
5. lollipops
6. chocolate

Image result for monopoly

Summer Learning Journey Day 7

Day 7

Activity 1

I think the movie is about a man who trapped him self in a lion cage.
 I think silent movies would be good and funny.

Activity 2

I like the painting because it looks very realistic.

If I was to give this painting a rating I would rate it a 3 out of 5 

Bonus Activity


R - relieved we have landed
E - excited, we finally made it
L - lightheaded, this feels amazing
I - irritated, why did the radio have to stop?
E - energised, woo hoo we got here
V - victory, we were the first
E - emotional, full of mixed feelings
D - definitely going to do that again!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Summer Learning Journey Day 6

Day 6

Activity 1:

I am doing Notre-Dame Cathedral.

Here is a picture.

It was built in 1163 and it took 200 years!
It is located is in France/Paris.

Activity 2:

Image result for votingVoting in Saudi Arabia -
I think it is bad that only men are allowed to vote in Saudi Arabia.

I think woman should be able to vote because woman don't like killing and sometimes know better.

Bonus Activity:

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
 That mark our place; and in the sky
  The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
   Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
        In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
    If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
        In Flanders fields.

I think it is a good poem and it made me sad a wee bit because of all of the men who died but over all it is a great poem.

I liked this poem because it was all about the people in the war and it helps us to remember them each year.

It made me feel a little bit sad because lots of people lost their lives.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Summer Learning Journey Day 5

Day 5 - Activity 1

A Dawn of a New Era



1) Nau mai ki Aotearoa.
Welcome to New Zealand.

2) ____ is my name.
____ ko toku ingoa.

3) What is your name?
He aha to ingoa?

4) He pai taku ki te takaro i te whutupaoro.
I like to play Rugby.

5) Where do you come from?
no hea koe?

Activity 2

Things to do in Waitangi

1) you can visit the Treaty House and see a replica of the treaty.
2) see one of the largest Maori war canoes in the country
3) see one of the live kapahaka performances that are held there.

Out of these 3 things to do I would love to do the second one. I want to see a Maori war canoe because I think it would be amazing to see what they used as a war canoe many years ago.

Bonus Activity

Questions for Bill Kini

1)Were you nervous?

2)Were there heaps of people there?

3)How many hours did you need to train?

4)Did you make friends with people from other countries?

5) In your opinion, was it easier to train in your day or now days with all of the modern equipment?

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Summer Learning Journey Day 4

Day 4 - Activity 1

The Waiata - A song in your heart

My favourite Maori song

My favourite Maori Waiata is called Aotearoa. Aotearoa is a song by Stan Walker featuring other artists Ria Hall, Troy Kingi and Maisey Rika. 

I like this song because it is fast and I think it a good song about New Zealand being a great country. I also like to listen to Stan Walker. 

Image result for stan walker aotearoa

Activity 2

I have not played any of these games before but they sound like fun.

I think it is very cool that they pass down the games to other generations. It means that at family events everyone can play together.

The game I have chosen to talk about is Ki-O-Rahi.

The purpose of this game is for the teams to score point and try to stop the other team from scoring points so you can win.

2 Rules of the game:
1) you have to move with the ball you can't stand still.
2) if your flag is ripped when you are trying to score you have to hand the ball over.
Image result for kiorahi

Bonus Activity

Ranking of the videos

1) Tamatea Arikinui - I liked this one the best because I liked the Poi dancing in the video

2) Te Iti Kahurangi - I liked this video the second best because everyone seemed very happy and looked like they were happy singing the song

3) Te Puku O Te Ika - I liked this one the least because the people didn't look as happy as the one before.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Summer Learning Journey Day 3

Day 3 - Activity 1

It's all in the family 

The more the merrier

Would I enjoy being a member of a large family?

Yes, I would love be in a big family. I think it would be great because I would have 9 friends at home, I would always have someone to play with or someone to talk to when I need it. I would feel safe because if I was to get into trouble I know that someone would have my back.

Activity 2

My Pepeha

No Aotearoa ahau
Ko South Hornby toku kura
Ko Halliday toku whanau
Ko Gerry toku matua
Ko Joy toku whaea
No Hunter toku ingoa

I am from New Zealand
My school is South Hornby
My family is Halliday
My father is Gerry
My mother is Joy
I am Hunter

Bonus Activity

I think my family is special because, they care about me. They are very loving and back me in everything I do.

3 people Special to be are Devon, Mum and Aimee

The 2 things they like to do in Summer are:

Devon likes to go to the swimming pool or have a BBQ with friends and family at home

Mum likes to relax with a cold drink or have a BBQ with friends and family.

Aimee likes to go to the beach with her family and have a cold ice cream.

2 Fun Facts about each of my special people

Mum - she loves cups of tea, even on hot days
          - she like to knit baby clothes

Devon - likes to have water balloon fights with me
            - she works at Burger King

Aimee - she has a cat called Everest, even though she doesn't like cats
            - she likes to take me on trips to the beach or river

Summer Learning Journey Day 2

Day 2 - Activity 1

A House or a Home?


Q: Does a Wharepuni look like my house? 
A: No, I don't think a Wharepuni looks like my house.

2 Similarities between my house and a Wharepuni
- both have walls, roofs and beds
- it is where people call home

2 Differences between my house and a Wharepuni
- my house is full of technology
- only one family lives in my house

Activity 2

For my dream job I am going to be a Policeman. I want to be a Policeman because I think it will be exciting and you will never know what the day is going to bring.

Bonus Activity - Special Meals

Image result for butter chickenThis is my favourite meal, Butter Chicken. I like this meal because I think it is yummy and I love the sauce.


  • 6 tablespoons butter, divided
  • 2 lbs chicken breasts, cut into 1″ chunks
  • 1 yellow onion, diced
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 Tbsp garam masala
  • 1 Tbsp fresh grated ginger
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1 1/2 cups tomato sauce**** (or one 14 oz can would work)
  • 2 cups cream*
  • salt & pepper
  • lime & cilantro, for garnish
  • naan & rice for serving


  1. Using 2 Tbsp of butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat, brown the pieces of the chicken so each side is browned. They do not need to be fully cooked all the way through. Work in batches, and set aside when you’re done
  2. Melt another 2 Tbsp of butter in the pan over medium heat. Add the onion, and cook until beginning to soften — about three minutes. Add the garlic, ginger, chili powder, cumin, and cayenne. Stir to combine, and cook for about 45 seconds before adding the tomato sauce.
  3. Bring the mixture to a simmer and let cook for five minutes before adding the cream. Bring the mixture back to a simmer, add the browned chicken, and let simmer for 10-15 minutes. Keep the heat low here — not a rolling boil.
  4. Stir in the remaining 2 Tbsp of butter, and season with salt and pepper, to taste.
  5. Serve garnished with lime and cilantro, alongside rice and naan.

Summer Learning Journey Day 1

Day 1 - Activity 1

Maui and Giant Fish

3 Facts about Maui I learnt from the story:

1: Maui had a 'Never Give Up' attitude, even though Maui was often told by his brothers that he was useless and could not fish, he made a net on his own anyway. He wanted to prove his brothers wrong and show them that he could catch fish just like they could.

2: Maui's village thought he was the best fisherman ever, because he caught the biggest fish out of all his brothers when no one thought he could.

3: Maui had very greedy brothers. When Maui left the waka his brothers began chopping and arguing about which part of the giant fish was theirs, the village saw them as very greedy fishermen after that.

Another fact I have learnt about Maui is that some see him as a god other just see him as a human.

Activity 2

A letter to my friend from the Waka voyage

Dear David

The voyage so far has been tough, It is very hard when it comes to my turn to sail the waka because the waves are very strong and it is in the middle of the night so it is hard to see the way to go.
I hope it isn't too much further to go but I am still very nervous about what is to come. I am missing my home and my friends and family but I am hoping that once I get here I can feel at home again, I look forward to hearing from you.


Bonus Activity - Waka Ama

I would not like to be in a Waka Ama race, because I think it would be very stressful and hard to co-ordinate all of the people in the waka. There would also be a lot of training and practise before the race.

Friday, December 15, 2017

The new member

This week we have been doing Christmas songs and stuff like that and so we write a story about Santa.Here is my story

Ring ring ring ring “if you want them back you have to come get them”said the mysterious person.  

As it was Santa's day off he was sat in his comfortable chair and eating cookies the phone suddenly rang and woke Santa up from his Santa nape and he pick up the phone… “if you want them you have to come get them come to the village and you will come UN armed ok” said the mysterious person as Santa ran he grabbed a candy cane and use it to walk but secretly it is a gun that can trap people .Then suddenly Santa jumped out the window and deployed his invisible parachute.A we while later/2 hour later finally Santa saw this mysterious person and it was his twin brother… “Hey brother since it was your birthday today I just want to say happy birthday”.Here I got you a present. I was the coolest present I could think of a new reindeer.I named him Rudolph”.And can I have a hug thank you.         
                    The END

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

we are learning about chrishmas in diffrent parts of the world

Today I learn that there are many believes and they give Santa different

The children of France leave their shoes in front of the fire on Christmas eve. When they get up in the morning  they find them full of presents from pere neol [father Christmas ] franch tradition says it is the Christ children who really fills the little shoes with girts.

In france they give a  spechile pastry to Santa

Friday, December 1, 2017

The pigeon should not get a walrus

 The pigeon wants a walrus.

1.The pigeon should not get a walrus !

2.The pigeon might get crushed because
the walrus is big.

3.The might get sick and die and the pigeon will be sad.

In conclusion I think that the pigeon should not get a walrus because it will just end up giving it back or dieing