
Monday, January 21, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 5

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 5

Activity 3

Faded Glory

Oops Sorry I forgot to do this activity before I posted my blog.  

The Great Barrier Reef is an amazing place.  Some strategies / ideas to fund raise for the Great Barrier Reef are:

1.  We could a great big community wide garage sale.  People could bring things that they don't want and sell them to people who do.  All the money people spend could go to the Great Barrier Reef.

2. We could have a sausage sizzle, a mufti day or dress up day. You would pay to wear which every one you chose and sausage would be $2.00 each.

3. We could put a surcharge on petrol, every litre that someone buys would be 10 cents for the Great Barrier Reef.  

I like the first idea the best.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 5

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 5

The Sky's the Limit

Activity 1
Environment Day - Beat Plastic Pollution

Three things that my family could do to help save the planet are:

1. Use a reusable drink bottle.
2. Take our own bags to the supermarket.
3. Use fabric bags for fruit and vegetables at the supermarket.

Activity 2

Adoption Day

Flamingo, Spotted Turtle and the Pygmy Elephant are three animals I have chosen from the WWF symbolic adoption page.

Differences between these animals

These three animals are from completely different species.  One is a bird, one is semi-aquatic and the last is an animal.  
The Pygmy Elephant is from Mayalsia. The Spotted Turtle live in parts of America and the Flamingo is from live in South America and Africa.
A Flamingo has feathers, a Pygmy Elephant has skin and the Spotted Turtle has a shell.

Similarities of these animals

Flamingos and Spotted Turtles both lay eggs.

The animal that I would symbolically adopt would be the Flamingo because they are awesome and my niece loves them.

Activity 3

Concluding the Journey

One thing I have learnt from the Summer Learning Journey is that I can make a difference to our environment by my attitude and my actions.

One thing that surprised me on the journey is how many wonderful different creatures and plants we have on our planet.

One thing that concerns me from what I learnt on the journey is how many endangered animals there are.

Me an my family can watch the impact we have on the environment, if we go out anywhere remove anything that we use. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 4

Activity 1

Campaigning for Conservation

The Bird & Forestry New Zealand campaign I have chosen to do a slogan for is Native Wildlife.

Bird & Forestry New Zealand
Native Wildlife  -  Because Some Things are Worth Saving.

Activity 2 

The Plastic Pledge

I asked my mum what she thought about going plastic free this is what she said,

It is a great idea it will help the environment lots, I just need to remember to bring in my reusable bags from the car!
I think it is a great idea to go plastic free, it means there will be less chance of marine life getting caught up in different bits of plastic dumped in the sea.

Activity 3

Restricted Access

I think it is fair to restrict access to this popular attraction, although many tourists will be upset I think it is important to make sure the tracks are kept nice and not damaged or else nobody will be able to visit there. Maybe they could add in a zip line like in Rotorua to help keep people off the tracks.

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 3

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 3

Activity 1

Predator Free 2050 - A call to arms

I like the first video the best because the Cacophony Project make modern technology out of recyclable material. This is fantastic because you are saving the environment at the same time by using things.

Activity 2 

Protecting the Most Vulnerable

The Maui Dolphin is close to becoming extinct.

The dolphin has only one eye on the top of its head to see where its going.

The Maui Dolphin cant swim when it is scared.

The male dolphins are actually smaller than the females, the females can weigh up to 50 kg and grow up to 1.7 m long.

The Maui Dolphin has a finger nail on its fin.

They have their first calf (baby) between 7 and 9 years old and produce one calf every 2 to 4 years making the population increase process slow.

Activity 3

The power of ten

1. White Tiger - I would save the white tiger because it a beautiful creature and is not the same as a typical orange tiger.
2. Black Rhino - I would save the black rhino because it is unique to the white rhino and it would be nice to keep 2 colours of rhino on earth forever.
3. Cross river Gorilla - I would save the cross river gorilla because it is a magnificent creature, they are endangered because humans are invading the spaces where they live.
4. Orangutan - I would save the orangutan because it is known as the man of the forest and I think we should put the original man back in the forest.
5. Whale Shark - I would save the whale shark because it is the biggest sea creature on earth to this day and it would be horrible to lose such a big creature.
6. Leatherback turtle - I would save this species because it is unique, its shell has a leather feel to it unlike other turtles.
7. Polar Bear - I would save this species because they are majestic looking animals, they are vulnerable because of climate change.
8. Snow Leopard - This amazing creature needs saving because it has incredible abilities to leap 6 times the length of its body.
9. Savanna Elephant -  this animal is so large that people are able to see and count the population easily, I would like to see this species saved because it is so large and it is able to use it trunk sort of like a hand which is cool.
10. Vaquita - this is the most rare marine animal on earth, I want to see this species saved because there are unfairly caught during illegal fishing and there are only 30 left in the world!

info from 

Monday, January 14, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 2

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 2

Activity 1

Protecting Our Own

I would be very nervous to go ziplining in Rotorua.  Getting the nerve to push off from the extremely high platform would be hard.  But I can do it, I can jump and take a leap in to the spectacular forest.  Soaring like an Eagle will be absolutely amazing, My screams would get less and vanish completely by the time I finish.  Being part of nature in a way not everyone else gets to be would be absolutely amazing. 

Activity 2

A Protective Plant

If I was was to grown my own edible garden in my back yard some things I would grow are:
1. Lettuces
2. Tomatoes
3. Cucumbers
4. Spring Onions
5.  Potatoes
6. Peas
7. Corn
8. An Apple Tree
9. A Lemon Tree
10. Strawberries
I just hope that my nephew lets them grow and not eat them as soon they appear.

Activity 3

A House is not a Home

I find the Fauna and Flora International project in the national reserves in Mozambique to be extremely interesting.  This project as well as protecting the trees it is helping to protect the lions and wild dogs which are two of the threatened carnivores it the area.  It also will help prevent these animals from wanting to leave the area and eat people.  So they are also helping to save human lives. It also helps to protect the elephants and teaches people not to poach.

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 1

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 1

Activity 1

World of Wearable (WOW) Art

My 5 questions for Dame Suzie Moncrieff about Wearable Arts.

1. How did you come up with the idea to make things you can wear from recycling?
2. What do you look for in the winning design?
3. How do you feel about the fact your idea is now a world wide event?
4. Children from my school made wearable art projects, what advise would you give them?
5. Would you come and judge our schools wearable art designs?

Activity 2

Guardians of the Sea

I believe in Taniwha's.  They protect a spiritual belief that many people have.  They can protect and help remind people to protect our environment. They can hide in nature disguised as something that would usually be there and only show themselves when there is a need.

Activity 3

The Sky in Shanghai

Here is a Haiku poem that describes how I feel about travelling to Beijing China

Travelling to Beijing
Awful, Deadly, Terrible
Needs to be fixed NOW

Summer Learning journey week 3 day 5

Summer Learning Journey Week 3 Day 5

Activity 1

Persistent pollution
Some pollution is caused by natural sources and most of it is by humans.
Smog is one of the human made pollutions, it can have serious health risks.
Toxic pollutants is where people burn plastic and it can cause serious health issues that can cause  cancer.

Activity 2

Changing Climates

When it is too rainy to go out I like to do the following things:
1.  Play on my Playstation
2. Watch my tablet
3. Play a game of Monopoly with my Sisters
4. Read a book
5. Colour in pictures.

Activity 3

Let it Rain

Yay, the rain has stopped, its been a long 3 days, we can go outside.  I opened the door and "Oh, my goodness".  It is dreary and bleak, the plants are no longer green, they are dead, not a blade of grass left.  "Keep the dogs inside" I yell.  I can see neighbourhood cats dead in the street.  Devon is crying, she can see her cat lying very still. I don't want to be outside anymore. What are we going to do?

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 3 Day 4

Activity 1

The Southern Lights

L- luminous 
I- impressive, incredible
G- glowing in the southern night sky
H- highly hypnotic
T- terrific
S- superb a must see!!

Activity 2

The Seven Sisters

The story of The Seven Sisters

 Mitai was the youngest of 7 brothers, his brother were the most handsome men in the village but had not married as they would never settle for anyone less beautiful than themselves. Although Mitai was not like his brothers he had special powers where he could change into a bird and was able to eavesdrop on his brothers conversations. One day the men heard beautiful singing coming for far away, they followed the noise and found the most beautiful women they had ever seen, they all fell in love except Mitai. They brought the women back to their village the make them their wives, but Mitai did not like them as they didn't take part in village life. After a while he noticed his brothers were skinny and no longer handsome. The wives would disappear and one day Mitai followed them as a bird and heard of their plan to starve the men till the die. Mitai told his brothers of the women's plan, the men were given magic nets to catch the women and cast them far away. Now once a year the women's beauty is allowed to shine through the sky and became known as the Seven Stars of Matariki

Activity 3

Crazy Cool Clouds

I have chosen to write about picture 2
This cloud looks like a tornado or I think it looks more like a beyblade, it is in a shape of a spiral. Maybe the cloud is hunting for another beyblade looking cloud and if they were to collide we would end up having some thunder down here on the ground.
This cloud looks like a cumulus cloud because it is big and fluffy. 

Related image

Friday, January 11, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 3 Day 3

Summer Learning Journey Week 3 Day 3

Taking Flight

Activity 1

Bird of the Year

My favourite New Zealand bird is the Pukeko.  It is black with blue feathers on its chest.  It has long red legs with a red beak which goes between its eyes. It is also known as a swamp hen.  It lives in New Zealand but mainly in the wetter areas likes swamps.  They have a very powerful beak. The Pukeko is an omnivore, it eats things like insect and spiders as well as seed, roots and shoots.
Gisbornes online zoo - photo

Activity 2

Flying Foxes

The superpower that I would like would be invisibility.  This would be awesome because I could go everywhere I wanted.  Nobody would be able to see me. I would like to use this superpower to get on a plane and go to Fiji to see my friend Saki.

Activity 3

The Wind Beneath My Wings

Summer Learning Journey Week 3 Day 2

Summer Learning Journey Week 3 Day 2

Activity 1

The Air Up There

Unbee-lievable Facts about Bumblebees

1. The word 'bumblebee' is a compound word (bumble + bee). The word bumble means to hum, buzz or drone.
2. Bumblebees can fly very quickly. They can reach speeds of 54 kilometres per hour (km/h).
3. Bumblebees are very strong! They can carry up to 90 percent of their body weight in food with them to avoid starvation.
4. Bumblebees can do more work and carry more pollen than other bees, including honeybees.  In fact they can do up to 50 times as much as a normal honeybee.
5. The number of bumblebees is declining in New Zealand due to a number of factors, including the removal of wildflowers and flowering trees, habitat loss, and extensive use of pesticides.

Activity 2

Carbon Sinks don't Stink

Here is a list of foods I would put in my special draining sink
1. All vegetables except corn
2. Kiwifruit
3. Jelly with banana in it
4. Chocolate self saucing pudding
5. Fish
6. Peanut Butter
7. Nutella
8. Peanuts
9. Lemons
10. Cream

Activity 3

Flying Fungi

If there were 7 different kinds of mould found in my classroom and the cleaner said it would take 5 days to get rid of each mould but these can only be done 1 at a time. 

It would take a total of 35 days work.

7 kinds of mould x 5 days to clean = 35 days.

If the cleaner worked 7 days a week this would take 5 weeks.
However if the cleaner worked on 5 days a week it will take 7 weeks.

Summer Learning Journey Week 3 Day 1

Summer Learning Journey Week 3 Day 1

Activity 1

A Heated Debate

I would tell my friends to come and visit New Zealand in Spring.  You can still get in a bit of skiing as there is usually a bit of snow still around.  You can also enjoy the spring sunshine that lets you get outside and visit some of the tourist attractions.
Three place you do in spring are: 1. You can go on the gondola in Queenstown, you will be able to see lots going on from snow on the mountains, to people parasailing on the lake.
2. You could visit Rainbows End in Auckland, go on  all the rides and enjoy the atmosphere.
3. You could go to the New Brighton Pier and enjoy the sunshine and the view.

Activity 2

You are my Sunshine

To stay sun smart in the summer you can do these 5 things:
1. Wear long sleeved/legged clothes
2. Wear Sunscreen
3.Stay out of the sun during the hottest part of the day.
4. Wear a full brimmed hat.
5. Wear sunglasses if you have any.

Activity 3

Burning Up...

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 5

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 5

Activity 1

Off the Menu

I think that the fine in place to people that over fish is fair.  The maximum amount you can be fined is $100,000.  People need to learn that over fishing our lakes, rivers and ocean is wrong.  We need to make sure that future generations can enjoy the fish that we have as well.

Activity 2

The Black Drain

1.  The names of two polluted rivers in New Zealand are the Waikirikiri/Selwyn  River and the Matarua River.

2. The Waikirikiri/Selwyn River is in the Selwyn District which is in Canterbury.  The Matarua River is in Southland. These rivers are both in the South Island.

3. Farmers are being helped to put up fencing and do planting by the Governments Ready to work programme. This will help stop the manure from farms polluting the rivers.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 4

Spectacular Spectacular

Activity 1

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Do you know that if I was to explore Milford Sounds I would do it by walking.  I think this would be a better experience because I could wonder around wherever I want. I would be able to see what grows there, what animal life and insect life there.  Being able to explore this amazing scenery up close would be a fabulous experience I would be able to tell everyone about.

Activity 2

It's All in a Name

A new name for the Devil's Bath at at Wai-o-Tapu Thermal Wonderland could be one of these:

1. The Pus Bucket
2. Creepy Creek
3. Shrek's Snotty Swimming Hole
4. Lousy Loathsome Lake
5. Putrid Pond  *

* This is my favourite name.

Activity 3 

Picture Perfect

Selfie #1

Wow, I can't believe it.  We are finally here at the soccer.  "It's going to be awesome" said Hunter.  It is the first time anyone had been to the brand new stadium.  "Let's take a selfie" said Jacob.  "Make sure I'm in it" said Levi.  "Me too" said Hunter. Smile! CLICK. "Now to watch the game".

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Summer Learning Journey week 2 day 3

First you 'sea' Me, Now you don't...
Day 3 

Activity 1

Night Owls

I am a night owl. I enjoy staying up at night and relaxing while I play my games.  I like to sleepin in the mornings in the weekend and the holidays. My mum is a early riser, she gets up with the pets early anytime from 5.30 but goes to bed early usually around 9, she has to stay awake til I'm in bed though. My sister is an early riser as well.  She gets up early most days.

Activity 2

A Local Delicacy

My favourite food is Buttered Chicken

We usually use chicken breast, just add butter chicken sauce and rice.  You can make this from scratch though here is a recipe I found on


500 grams Chicken Thighs
1/2 cup unsweetened Yogurt
1 1/2 teaspoons turmeric
4 Tablespoons tomato paste
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
2 teaspoons cumin
1 teaspoon garam masala 
2 teaspoons brown sugar
to taste salt and pepper
2 cloves of crushed garlic
1 onion
50 grams butter
3/4 cup cream
1/2 cup fresh coriander

I eat mine with rice.

Activity Three

The Midnight Zone

To move the 500 kg colossal squid in Te Papa from one room and to another it will take a few people. Adults can lift 25 kg each and children can lift 15 kg each.

25 x 20 = 500 
25 + 25 = 50 (2 people)
10 groups of 50 = 500 
10 groups of 2 people = 20

If each adult per can lift 25 kg it will take 20 adults to lift it.
I think this would be the best way because it would be the least amount of people to coordinate.

This image is from

Monday, January 7, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 2

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 2

Activity 1

Fabulous Flora

I would like to learn how to weave with flax because it would be interesting to make lots of different things.  I think there would be so many things you could make and I could make as many as I can.  You could make use of the flax that grows in many gardens instead of using plastic. So it would be a great skill to use to help save our environment.

Activity 2

Mighty Mangroves

I think that Jacinda Ardern is a strong and tough person. Jacinda Arden is the Prime Minister of New Zealand. She has had to be strong to face all the challenges of being a woman in Parliament. She needs to be tough enough to face criticism from the opposition parties, people across the country and the world. She has used these to work her way through the channels of Parliament to the top.  She can talk on the world stage and stick with the policies that the government have come up with. She has also become a new mother and this has not stopped her from doing the job at hand. Jacinda has to be strong and tough to take criticism of being a working mother in a high profile position.  

Activity 3

Stranger than Fiction

Facts that are the same between the Venus Flytrap and the White Baneberry plants.
1. They are both attractive plants, the White Baneberry has eyeball looking flowers while the Venus flytrap has open lobes to attract insects.
2. They are both poisonous.
3. They both come from North America.

Facts that are different between the Venus Flytrap and the White Baneberry plants.
1. The White Baneberry plants have very small white flowers about 6mm in size. The Venus Flytrap has no flowers.
2. The Venus Flytrap has lobes that shut when prey come in contact with them.  The White Baneberry plants do not eat prey.
3. The Venus Flytrap grows to about 13 cm tall while the White Baneberry grows to about 60cm.

Pictures from
       White Baneberry.                          Venus Flytrap.
venus flytrapwhite banebelly


Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 1

Activity 1

Surfs up!

My favourite summer activity is travelling to Hanmer Springs with my family and going to the Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools. At the pools there is plenty to do including many pools all ranging different temperatures. There are rock pools for lounging in, spa pools just for the adults, the lazy river, a big water playground for younger kids and of course my favourite the water slides and super bowl.

Activity 2

The Great Taupo Cycle Challenge

For my cycle challenge the first person I would bring is my Dad, I would choose the bring him because he has cycling experience and he would be able to teach and coach me how to pace myself in the race so I don't get tired and finish the race. The second person I would bring would be my sister Devon, she is very strong willed and I don't think she will let me stop! so I will be motivated to finish the race to impress her. The final piece the the puzzle would be my Mum, I choose her because she will be able to bring food and drinks, she will make sure me and the crew are well feed and hydrated throughout the day.

Activity 3

Something smells fishy

Fish Fact #1 The oldest known fish in the world is a 65 year old Australian Lungfish - TRUE
Fish Fact #2 Sharks are the only fish that have eyelids - TRUE
Fish Fact #3 Starfish are a type of fish - FALSE
(Starfish are marine invertebrates)
Fish Fact #4 Fish communicate with each other by making low-pitched sounds (moans, hisses etc) - TRUE
Fish Fact #5 Fish usually swim together in groups called 'classes' - FALSE
(Fish swim in shoals, in groups called 'schools')

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 1 Day 5

Activity 1

Towering Timbers

I think that logging should be allowed in New Zealand in a controlled and conservative way. The reasons I think it should be allowed is..

If logging was not allowed in New Zealand it would be hard to get the resources that we would normally get from logging.

People like my Uncle can use it as a business to help fill their retirement fund, he grows and cuts down trees in his spare time and sells the wood for money to fill his retirement fund.

Activity 2

Living on the edge

Dear Mum

Hi, how are you?

Last week our teacher took me and my class on a class trip to the tundra. It was a pretty amazing experience I really enjoyed the rocky look of the landscape. Although I felt quite cold and it was hard to focus when it felt like my toes were freezing off! I think that it would be an interesting place to try and play a game of soccer since there is no trees or walls and its just an open space. I think its going to be cool to be able to say that I went there since the weather is going to change back to even more icy and cold than when we were there and people will not be able to easily visit. I wonder if the teacher will bring us back when it is all frozen over?

Maybe we could come on a family holiday.

Lots of Love

Activity 3

Going, Going... Gone

New Zealand is a great country to be in. It is the proud home of the famous Kiwi.
It is pretty to look at from the world famous Sky Tower in Auckland, There is plenty to do in and around the Sky Tower too like jumping from the top and doing a Sky Walk around the outside to give you a 360 degree view of the beautiful city. Where you can see the harbour bridge and through to the wharf where the America's Cup has been sailed multiple times.

In Wellington there is a museum that is called Te Papa in there they hold multiple interchangeable art exhibits, which often show things that have happened in New Zealand in the past and present.
Christchurch is known as the Garden City, where the botanical gardens are located. Here you'll find loads of beautiful flowers and trees where families can take a nice walk through and read some of the plaques underneath the trees. 

You can travel coast to coast and end to end of the country in a day.  From beach through the flat plains to the mountains, which could be snow covered depending on the time of year, to the opposite beach. The scenery through the West Coast on the South Island is spectacular and host magnificent waterfalls. Green pastures through to native forests and ferns are some of the views you can see. 

The lifestyle in New Zealand changes depending on whereabouts you live.  You could be farmer with expansive paddocks. Or a townie living in the cities and visiting the many bars and restaurants. Being a multicultural society  means New Zealand hosts lots of different cultural experiences.  The people in New Zealand are generally friendly and accepting of everyone.   

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Summer learning journey week 1 day 4

Activity 1

Sir Edmund Hillary

1: Why did you want to climb Mount Everest?
2: What motivated you to continue training to climb?
3: How long did it take you to climb all the way to the top?
4: How did you feel when you reached the top?
5: What advise would you give someone wanting to climb to the top like you did?

Activity 2

Pancakes and Maple Syrup

My favourite food is Butter Chicken.

My family makes Butter Chicken by:

1. Placing the required amount of rice in the rice cooker
2. Cutting the chicken breast into chunks
3. Placing the chicken in a hot fry pan to cook
4. Then add in the butter chicken sauce and leave in the pan to simmer for 10-15 minutes
5. Once the rice is ready add into the fry pan mixture and mix together
6. Serve onto plates.

Activity 3

Salt and Pepper

I would build my hotel next to the Eiffel Tower in Paris and I would use Trampoline mats to build it. This would mean that people could bounce from room to room.

Summer learning journey week 1 day 3

Activity 1

Activity 2
1. The good thing about being a ranger is that you can interact with the endangered animals. 
2.  You get to see them in there natural habitat.
3. You would also get to learn about rare animal

1. The bad thing about being a ranger is that you might get lonely because there are only a few people that can be employed and you may spend long periods of time alone.
2. It would be really sad to seeing one of the animals pass away.
3.  Other people that are not allowed to be on the island may come and  take some animals to sell or to kill.

Image result for a photo of a doc ranger with a endangered animal

1. The animal they where trying to save is the seals.
2. The WWF are building snow banks for the seals to keep safe.
3. They have success fully built a few snow banks for the seal, which is awesome.