
Monday, January 21, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 5

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 5

Activity 3

Faded Glory

Oops Sorry I forgot to do this activity before I posted my blog.  

The Great Barrier Reef is an amazing place.  Some strategies / ideas to fund raise for the Great Barrier Reef are:

1.  We could a great big community wide garage sale.  People could bring things that they don't want and sell them to people who do.  All the money people spend could go to the Great Barrier Reef.

2. We could have a sausage sizzle, a mufti day or dress up day. You would pay to wear which every one you chose and sausage would be $2.00 each.

3. We could put a surcharge on petrol, every litre that someone buys would be 10 cents for the Great Barrier Reef.  

I like the first idea the best.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 5

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 5

The Sky's the Limit

Activity 1
Environment Day - Beat Plastic Pollution

Three things that my family could do to help save the planet are:

1. Use a reusable drink bottle.
2. Take our own bags to the supermarket.
3. Use fabric bags for fruit and vegetables at the supermarket.

Activity 2

Adoption Day

Flamingo, Spotted Turtle and the Pygmy Elephant are three animals I have chosen from the WWF symbolic adoption page.

Differences between these animals

These three animals are from completely different species.  One is a bird, one is semi-aquatic and the last is an animal.  
The Pygmy Elephant is from Mayalsia. The Spotted Turtle live in parts of America and the Flamingo is from live in South America and Africa.
A Flamingo has feathers, a Pygmy Elephant has skin and the Spotted Turtle has a shell.

Similarities of these animals

Flamingos and Spotted Turtles both lay eggs.

The animal that I would symbolically adopt would be the Flamingo because they are awesome and my niece loves them.

Activity 3

Concluding the Journey

One thing I have learnt from the Summer Learning Journey is that I can make a difference to our environment by my attitude and my actions.

One thing that surprised me on the journey is how many wonderful different creatures and plants we have on our planet.

One thing that concerns me from what I learnt on the journey is how many endangered animals there are.

Me an my family can watch the impact we have on the environment, if we go out anywhere remove anything that we use. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 4

Activity 1

Campaigning for Conservation

The Bird & Forestry New Zealand campaign I have chosen to do a slogan for is Native Wildlife.

Bird & Forestry New Zealand
Native Wildlife  -  Because Some Things are Worth Saving.

Activity 2 

The Plastic Pledge

I asked my mum what she thought about going plastic free this is what she said,

It is a great idea it will help the environment lots, I just need to remember to bring in my reusable bags from the car!
I think it is a great idea to go plastic free, it means there will be less chance of marine life getting caught up in different bits of plastic dumped in the sea.

Activity 3

Restricted Access

I think it is fair to restrict access to this popular attraction, although many tourists will be upset I think it is important to make sure the tracks are kept nice and not damaged or else nobody will be able to visit there. Maybe they could add in a zip line like in Rotorua to help keep people off the tracks.

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 3

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 3

Activity 1

Predator Free 2050 - A call to arms

I like the first video the best because the Cacophony Project make modern technology out of recyclable material. This is fantastic because you are saving the environment at the same time by using things.

Activity 2 

Protecting the Most Vulnerable

The Maui Dolphin is close to becoming extinct.

The dolphin has only one eye on the top of its head to see where its going.

The Maui Dolphin cant swim when it is scared.

The male dolphins are actually smaller than the females, the females can weigh up to 50 kg and grow up to 1.7 m long.

The Maui Dolphin has a finger nail on its fin.

They have their first calf (baby) between 7 and 9 years old and produce one calf every 2 to 4 years making the population increase process slow.

Activity 3

The power of ten

1. White Tiger - I would save the white tiger because it a beautiful creature and is not the same as a typical orange tiger.
2. Black Rhino - I would save the black rhino because it is unique to the white rhino and it would be nice to keep 2 colours of rhino on earth forever.
3. Cross river Gorilla - I would save the cross river gorilla because it is a magnificent creature, they are endangered because humans are invading the spaces where they live.
4. Orangutan - I would save the orangutan because it is known as the man of the forest and I think we should put the original man back in the forest.
5. Whale Shark - I would save the whale shark because it is the biggest sea creature on earth to this day and it would be horrible to lose such a big creature.
6. Leatherback turtle - I would save this species because it is unique, its shell has a leather feel to it unlike other turtles.
7. Polar Bear - I would save this species because they are majestic looking animals, they are vulnerable because of climate change.
8. Snow Leopard - This amazing creature needs saving because it has incredible abilities to leap 6 times the length of its body.
9. Savanna Elephant -  this animal is so large that people are able to see and count the population easily, I would like to see this species saved because it is so large and it is able to use it trunk sort of like a hand which is cool.
10. Vaquita - this is the most rare marine animal on earth, I want to see this species saved because there are unfairly caught during illegal fishing and there are only 30 left in the world!

info from 

Monday, January 14, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 2

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 2

Activity 1

Protecting Our Own

I would be very nervous to go ziplining in Rotorua.  Getting the nerve to push off from the extremely high platform would be hard.  But I can do it, I can jump and take a leap in to the spectacular forest.  Soaring like an Eagle will be absolutely amazing, My screams would get less and vanish completely by the time I finish.  Being part of nature in a way not everyone else gets to be would be absolutely amazing. 

Activity 2

A Protective Plant

If I was was to grown my own edible garden in my back yard some things I would grow are:
1. Lettuces
2. Tomatoes
3. Cucumbers
4. Spring Onions
5.  Potatoes
6. Peas
7. Corn
8. An Apple Tree
9. A Lemon Tree
10. Strawberries
I just hope that my nephew lets them grow and not eat them as soon they appear.

Activity 3

A House is not a Home

I find the Fauna and Flora International project in the national reserves in Mozambique to be extremely interesting.  This project as well as protecting the trees it is helping to protect the lions and wild dogs which are two of the threatened carnivores it the area.  It also will help prevent these animals from wanting to leave the area and eat people.  So they are also helping to save human lives. It also helps to protect the elephants and teaches people not to poach.

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 1

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 1

Activity 1

World of Wearable (WOW) Art

My 5 questions for Dame Suzie Moncrieff about Wearable Arts.

1. How did you come up with the idea to make things you can wear from recycling?
2. What do you look for in the winning design?
3. How do you feel about the fact your idea is now a world wide event?
4. Children from my school made wearable art projects, what advise would you give them?
5. Would you come and judge our schools wearable art designs?

Activity 2

Guardians of the Sea

I believe in Taniwha's.  They protect a spiritual belief that many people have.  They can protect and help remind people to protect our environment. They can hide in nature disguised as something that would usually be there and only show themselves when there is a need.

Activity 3

The Sky in Shanghai

Here is a Haiku poem that describes how I feel about travelling to Beijing China

Travelling to Beijing
Awful, Deadly, Terrible
Needs to be fixed NOW

Summer Learning journey week 3 day 5

Summer Learning Journey Week 3 Day 5

Activity 1

Persistent pollution
Some pollution is caused by natural sources and most of it is by humans.
Smog is one of the human made pollutions, it can have serious health risks.
Toxic pollutants is where people burn plastic and it can cause serious health issues that can cause  cancer.

Activity 2

Changing Climates

When it is too rainy to go out I like to do the following things:
1.  Play on my Playstation
2. Watch my tablet
3. Play a game of Monopoly with my Sisters
4. Read a book
5. Colour in pictures.

Activity 3

Let it Rain

Yay, the rain has stopped, its been a long 3 days, we can go outside.  I opened the door and "Oh, my goodness".  It is dreary and bleak, the plants are no longer green, they are dead, not a blade of grass left.  "Keep the dogs inside" I yell.  I can see neighbourhood cats dead in the street.  Devon is crying, she can see her cat lying very still. I don't want to be outside anymore. What are we going to do?