
Saturday, December 22, 2018

Summer learning journey week 1 day 2

Activity 1
Giants Amongst Us

The NZ Kauri Tree:

I would love to be someone who gets to visit the infamous endemic Kauri Tree the Tane Mahuta because it would be amazing to see something that is so old and still living. I would like to see how many of my family members it would take for us to all link arms and do a big group hug around the tree. It would be an amazing experience and cool to be able to tell people that I saw the oldest living Kauri tree in person. 

Activity 2
Fabulous Ferns

Silver Ferns: Image result for silver ferns uniform
Black ferns:Image result for black ferns uniform
Image result for tall ferns uniforms
Tall Ferns:

Out of these three teams I  would prefer the Black Ferns uniform because it looks comfy and I like the design of the uniform the best out of the 3.

Activity 3/bounce
Weird and Wonderful

3 ml of water for a whole year would equal 1,095 ml

First I would times 300 by 3 = 900
then I would times 60 by 3 = 180
lastly I would times 5 by 3 = 15
 Add all of these together and it totals 1,095 ml


Thursday, December 20, 2018

Summer Learning Journey week 1 day 1

Summer Learning Journey week 1 day 1
My top 3 fun facts about New Zealand 

  • Wow, did you know that more New Zealanders own cars than anywhere else in the world, 2.5 million cars to 4 million people , that's a lot!

  • The land of the long white cloud...  New Zealand...  Aotearoa... Did you know that the moari name for New Zealand is Aotearoa and that means The Land of the Long White Cloud.

  •  THE PACIFIC RIM OF FIRE!!!  sounds pretty scary right?    New Zealand is part of the pacific rim of fire, in the middle of the north island is Mount Ruapehu  which is the most active volcano.

                                                                           Activity 2

I live in the beautiful Garden City... Christchurch. Some of my favourite things about my hometown are that we have some amazing beaches, all of them being different, New Brighton beach has a great pier so you can amble down the pier over the cold glistening water, it has facts about the build written on it and its history. Sumner beach has some fantastic caves  and rocks to explore with the water splashing at your feet, plus it has many more beautiful beaches to explore.
One of my most favourite places is the wandering Waimakariri river where I like to take my dog to play in the  shallow water, it has a lots of different sized sticks that he loves to play with.
I enjoy the new multi complex of movie theatres in the central city with amazing food places there as well.  They have huge lazy-boy recliners for you to relax while you watch.  The screens are massive and have an amazing picture. The sound booms out around the theatre to make you jump a mile high out of your seat.

Image result for cave rock sumner

                                                                        Bounce activity

Friday, November 23, 2018

Summer learning journey for 2018 to 2019

In the holidays I am going to do the summer learning.The summer learning journey is about land, sea, summer learning journey helps us stay at our levels of reading and writing and maths.In the summer learning journey we get points and the person with the highs points win. If i won i would want a warehouse gift card. Image result for warehouse gift card

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Personal Hygiene:How To Brush Your Teeth

For health this term we have been learning about Personal Hygiene we have trying to make a slide about how to brush your teeth for 3-5 year old's.I have been working in a group with Saki and drew I found it challenging to make the characters I don't think I found anything easy.



Friday, September 28, 2018

How to make a quality blog post

Over the last 2 weeks we have been creating a slideshow  to teach others how to make a quality blog comment.A quality blog comment must have thorot full helpful and positive.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


In science i have been learning how to mix stuff together.Like one we did elephant tooth past and in the one we did last we we mix vinegar and baking powder to together.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Calendar Art

For calendar art this week we have learnt to blend colors with paint.I really enjoyed painting but  found difficult to get crisp lines.Fist we scratch on the outline the we had to start at the top and work down.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Hokey pokey

This week we had a choose of doing what we wanted about hokey pokey. I choose a 6 sentence story here it is.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Share and celebrate

For literacy this past six week we have been learning about & reading about Novels.The book we are reading  is   All Because of Walter ,Written by Carol Krueger and,Illustrated by Mary Dahl Winton. 

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Tilted towers

This week we have been writing a story about a photo.we had to describe the photo.
I found challenging that to get really good description words.

Elephant toothpaste

in science we have been doing an experiment and it is called Elephant tooth past.

Thursday, August 16, 2018


This week we have been learning about proverb. Here is my one.

Thursday, August 9, 2018


In science we are learning about Change happens when we mix or combine two different reactions substances together. When this  happens a chemical reactions takes place.

Thursday, August 2, 2018


I am starting to  learn about science and change.This is what I found out today.What new information can someone tell me.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Title How does it work?

This week we have been describing how to use scissor.We had to describe what scissors look like. I found hard to describe to add all the detailed.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Novel study

For the whole term we are learning about novel, Asking question's about character's.We also are looking deeper into the character to see how they develop and impact the story. I know that there is a main character and the rest of the characters are called miner characters. I know the in a novel there is a problem and a solution to the problem. I know that good readers find out the answer even if it not in the book. If you know everything about novel, questioning and characters please tell me in the comments.

Thursday, July 5, 2018


In reading I have been reading about carnival for the last 2 week I have been writing down facts about the carnival. I found hard finding all the information.Here is all my information and work.


For Friday last week we didn't have winter sports because we had a hangi everyone was here .Mr Moriarty ,Mrs Harris and others woke up early in the morning to prepare  the Hangi Pit It was very delicious.

Myth and legends

For inquiry i have been doing myth and legends.I found hard was trying to find all of the is some information on it.

Monday, July 2, 2018

feeling poem

For the week we did a feeling poem and our principal challenged us to make the opsitecet of our other and put them side by side on a blog post here they are.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


In literacy we are learning about a Brazil carnival.Because we have people in our class that is from Brazil and he gets excited when we mention it.I  don't know a lot about it so I am happy to learn about it.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Chinese new year

For this week we have been learning about the chinese new year.

Monday, June 11, 2018

What I know about Chinese new year

I know that they eat heaps they celebration,And thats all I know about chinease new year.

Thursday, June 7, 2018


For the last two weeks we have been learning about matariki. I learnt that there are different myths  for different believes. I found it interesting that there are so mean different myths . I found  it hard  trying to find all the different pieces about the myths.Image result for Matariki

Friday, May 25, 2018

omega 6 Sentence/ complex sentences

 for the past week we have been doing complex sentences.It was a challenge set by the teacher.
Here it is and I got a challenge for you.Rate this out of 10.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

my reflection of robotics

Over the last 10 week of robotics I have been learning to  the programming Ev3's to move.
First I learnt to  make the  robot to go forwards in a striaght  line . Then I had to learn how to programme it to stop at a certain we had to make it go left,right, forward and pause.
I found hard try and get around the map.

Friday, May 4, 2018

make there day

For power time this week we are learning about make their day.I hope you like it and don't for get to comment.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Baby elephant

This week we have been writing a dialogue about a funny baby elephant. here is my dialogue about it.
And here is the video link. baby elephant.

Friday, April 13, 2018


For anzac we had to write about what we felt heres my one.

What I feel about  anzac day I fell pain I feel sad I feel proud I feel.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Anzac day

For Anzac day we have  pick a special item and done some research.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Plastic bags

For writing we are trying to persuade people to ...

Ban the bags
Would you eat a plastic bag?
Neither would I but turtles eat plastic bags daily mistaking it for food.
First  I would get rid of  all the plastic bags so they won’t kill life and so the nothing dies but not by burning
them otherwise it would kill all life on earth.

Second would you eat it? We are actually eating it every day because if sea creatures eat it we do too.
People eat them every day including you. And animals die when by eating them.

Finally I think we should use reusable bags like fabric bag and so we don’t kill land animals or ocean

I really hope that you strongly agree with me and I hope you think about how in 2050 if we go on like this
there will be more plastic in the sea than fish.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Spencer Park

Last Thursday whakarua and puni-o-toka went o Spencer Park  for a trip. when we were there we got to go to the beach. On the beach we had a challenge.We had to make a  sand with lots of 3D shapes.
We had to use lots of shape. heres a picture.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Kite makeing

This week we have been making  kites it was hard to make. We drew a design in our books.  Then we copied the design on to our kites. We added a piece of string to the kite and put pieces of plastic on itl Here are some of the instructions of how to make a kite.

First get some chopsticks cut of the end off.
Cellotape the ends together.
Add a plastic cover.
Add a design.
Add string for a tail.
Put pieces of plastic on the tail.

Cats who needs? them?

This morning we have been reading an article about if  we should kill all cats.  I think that cats are very nice animals  because they snuggle with you and love you. Let me know what you think in the comments.
Image result for cat photosh


This week for Robotics  we have been playing around with them. My group is me, Conner and Cruz. I have found it hard to put the correct commands in. We have had fun and look forward to next week. Here is a photos.

Convincing writing

This week we have been writing a convincing story about what you want more or less of. I found it hard to come up with reasons and ideas.  I found it easy to write my ideas down. I did my one on 10 more minutes sleep in here is my story.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Saving the world

This morning I learned about what it means to be sustainable a small change I can make to be more sustainable is to walk more then drive.

What do you think?

Friday, March 9, 2018

Kite Eating Tree

We have looked at a picture and thought critically about it. we used lots of reflective question to think about the picture.Also we have been using adjective.

I found this challenging because  It was hard to think what he mite have done because there are many options .

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Summer Learning Journey 20

Activity 1

When I leave high school I would like to become a Police Officer.
I would need to be physically fit and I would have to have my drivers licence.  I could do these things while I am still at high school.
I would need to go to police training and learn different things.
I already do jui jitsu which is self defence training and if I keep this up I will be fit and able to look after myself.

Activity 2
flying car (2).jpg I would choose the flying car.  This is because I when I am a police officer I can use this car to catch people.  I could use it to make sure I get to places on time and not get stuck in a traffic jam. I could park on the roof so when I am going to someplace that is full I can park on the roof and no one else will be parked there.

Bonus Activity - Blade Runner

In 2099 I think people will live in space ships in outer space.  Families will have a big space ship, other people will have smaller space ships and there will be big domes where you can fly your shuttle into and buy food and other things.  

The food will be the same, everything will have a longer expiry date and be made and grown in special space factories.

You will work on a planet so you can explore it and discover new things about it.  You may choose to work in a special space factory and make food for people to eat.

We are going to wear special space armour that lets you breathe in space without a oxygen tank.  You will wear clothes similar to what we wear now when you are on your own space ship.

There will be a special school spaceship for children to go to school on.  Another one for high school and another one for University.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Summer Learning Journey 19

                                      Activity 1

I like the trailer because it is very good and cool.  It starts with Moana describing Maui and asking him to save the world. She has to convince him as he tries to talk her out of it.  "Have you ever defeated a lava monster?" It then shows  Maui and talks about it being "Maui Time!" Moana says that the "Sea chose me!" It then show a tribe sailing the seas travelling to different islands.  Moana discovers hidden boats on her own island. It show us Maui shape shifting into a bird. Maui tries to take the boat and throws Moana off the side.  The sea however keeps putting her back on the boat.  It then goes back to show Moana as a child walking out into the middle of the sea as the water moves away from her.  It returns her to the shore as her dad calls her.  

I have seen the movie, the main characters are Moana, Maui and Hei Hei. The movie is about Maui a demi god saving the world with the help of a island girl Moana.  Moana gets the courage to leave her island and seek out Maui.  They travel together to defeat the lava monster, fighting off monsters that want the heart, on the way and restore the heart of Te feiti.  Once they have done this they both go there own ways,  Maui goes off and Moana travels back to her island and convinces them to once again travel the seas to new islands.  My favourite character in this movie is HeiHei the chicken because he is always being saved from dangerous things by the sea. 

Activity 2 - Country Calender

The interesting things about being a farmer are driving machinery like tractors, baling hay, milking cows, watching things grow and lots more. You need to be able to solve problems. Working outside in all weather. 

I would not like to be a farmer. It is hard because the weather decides if it is going to be drought or flood. I also think deciding what kind of farmer would be hard you could be sheep farmer, beef farmer, orchard farmer, pig farmer or a dairy farmer.

 Bonus activity

 Drag Me Down by One Direction

I've got a fire for a heart 
I'm not scared of the dark 
you've never seen it look so easy
I've got a river for a soul  
And baby you're a boat
Baby you're my only reason

If I didn't have you there would be nothing left
The shell of a man that could never be his best
If I didn't have you, I'd never see the sun
You taught me how to be someone, yeah

All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can't blind me
With your love, nobody can drag me down

All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can't blind me
With your love, nobody can drag me down
Nobody, nobody 
Nobody can drag me down
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me down

I got fire for a heart
I'm not scared of the dark
You've never seen it look so easy
I've got a river for a soul
And baby you're a boat
Baby your my only reason

If I didn't have you there would be nothing left (nothing left)
The shell of a man that could never be his best (be his best)
If I didn't have you, I'd never see the sun (see the sun)
You taught me how to be someone

All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can't blind me
With your love, nobody can drag me down
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me down
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me

All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can't blind me
With all your love, nobody can drag me down

All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can't blind me
With your love, nobody can drag me down
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me down
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me down

Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me down
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me down

Summer Learning Journey Day 18

Activity 1


I would choose my friend David because he is really fun he is Egyptian which I think would be good to have in a team. Also I would choose my mum because she is very kind and good at solving problems she is also very good at talking to people.

Activity 2


My home town is Christchurch

Image result for touristy things to do in christchurch

Things to do in Christchurch

1. Gondola
2. Antarctic Centre
3. Re Start Mall
4. Bus tour around town to see the earthquake damage
5. Orana Park

I love my home town because it is beautiful and there is lots of different things to do here

Bonus Activity
I put this yellow seat because it is a teacher space.
I put this blue seat in for the kids to work at. the light blue spaces are cafeteria style seating (this is my favourite space to work in).  There is a kitchen area for art work and cooking.  The red space I put for the mat seating area for anyone.