
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Last Day of the tour around new Zealand

This day for the tour we start of at activity 1
Activity 1: We need to say three things that we would do to help nature Here are my thing that I will do to help nature
1. We can get people not leave without putting rubbish in the bin or taking it home.
2. We can stop and give them a warning.
3. Have signs about taking your rubbish home with you.

activity 2: I have to show you  a picture of some thing that helps me relax.
bonus activity: Since this is the last time we are on the great adventure I have to revue what I think So I think that it has been really fun and all of the days have been a new adventure.  I  will miss this and out of all the things I like the most was this one.

Kiwi logo desigh

I have been learning to draw on an app called I made a Kiwi I head to use the shapes and colours to make my pictures. Here is  my one.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

day 6 of new Zealand tour

 Activity 1: we need to write a poem and here is my poem and it is about what you would feel when you were the first person to step foot on new Zealand. here is my one. when we are it was different it was amazing it unbelievable.
Activity 2: for this one we need to choose three thing we would of this web site  and  we need to pick 3  3 and I choose these three Kaumātua Kapa Haka 2017,Te Papa's first Matariki Ritua.
activity 3:  for this one we need to desided witch one of these all black hake from first to therd 2 second   link is last and first link 2 and 3 link 1. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Day rima of the eventful travel

Day rima of the eventful travel.

Activity 1 - We have to write that we were on a adventure and our group left us. we need to write 8 to 10 senescent about what we would I do?  I would call out for them. I would follow the foot steps. Then I would just wait. Next I would climb the tree to see if I can see them, hopefully I can. Being scared I would keep walking. I would then go back to the car, wanting them to be there. I would make a place to stay until they come back. I would get a rock and try start making a fire to get warm, if I can't get back in the car.

Activity 2 we need to name a famous and tell you to when they were born and stuff like that.I choose Richie Mccaw. He was born in Oamaru he was born on  31 December 1980. His Mums name is Margaret and his Dads name is Donald.  He has been in the team that has won two world cup.  He was also the captain of the All Blacks.

Activity 3 - I would like to cycle the Otago rail trail one day.  It would be a lot of fun.  I would have to be healthy and fit to do it. I could also get a close look at the scenery.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Day 4 of the amazing adventure

Day 4 of the amazing adventure
For the first activity we had to talk about beach wales which is very sad.When we woke up I sore something I would never see before it was a amazing site but all so very sad so I called and woke every one up and so we all ran out started to run water down one wales beck and I said 1 wale a person then some of them died and the other ones got safely back to the sea were they belong.
So sorry we could not do the 2 activity because the video was not working.☹
Bounce activity:We have to deiced if we wont the fisherman fishing in the bay or we have to write a argument.My argent is that people should not fish in the bay other wise they will kill the Hector’s dolphins they kill 110 to 150 a year.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Day 3 of this amazing advetcher

The first actives we have to choose a pet to adopt and tell you what it is, what it eats,what is its  habitat.
And if you want to really adopt a endanger species go to this web site copy the URL . Here is some information.insects, beetles, spiders,birds eggs, frogs and small reptiles and mammals.and now what is it natch habitue does no say,                                                                         
Activate 2 first we need to say 3 thing we need: just because they are pretenders does not me we have to end there lives.
2: what if it started killing you.
3:It is not nice to kill animals.
Bouse: We need to make a picture that a giant moa still live here is my picture.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

day 2 exploring New Zealand

Day 2 Exploring New Zealand.

activity 1: I like the big tree in the Waipoua forest because it is very amazing and it is amazing that the tree didn't fall down and that the Maori  didn't use it for wood.
activity 2 :  If I was to interview her I would ask, would you live in some of the islands you went to.?were you scared and lonely? do you eat weird food? do you drink weird drink? did you miss New Zealand?
Bonus : Devon's list of outside activities 1. netball, 2. jet-skiing 3. swimming with sharks, 4. swim with the dolphins, 5. go on a big flying fox. Devon may not of actually done these but she wants to.

Image result for tane mahuta

Monday, September 18, 2017

listing 5 thing I liked in this video

This today we have been watching this video and I need to pick 5 thing I like these are forest walk,walking on the beach,the nice restaurant ,Rainbow zen and the sky tower.
And this is the video and you can watch it and fell free to comment and choose witch one you like the most.

3 fact about NZ

This week for Literacy we are having  a competition on activity and I will be posting them on  my blog every day for 7 days and only on school days. here are 3 interesting facts about New Zealand.
1. 4.4 people in new Zealand are not new Zealander/kiwis.69% are of European descent and 14.6% are indigenous Maori, 9.2% Asian and 6.9% non Maori. 
2. new Zealander wort in new Zealand  first it was Moira and they settled with a  treaty waitangi  so they did not fight.
3.kiwis love the outdoors and so do the other people so other people come to new Zealand because we have very beautiful out doors. 
And for the bonus point we had to make a flag  and here is my flag.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Calendar art

This week we have been made a calendar art it took very long because we had to think and make heaps of dezines.

awsome way how to learn netticate

This week we have been working on our mindmup i have something to make you is my screencastify.

What you say in the computor

Monday, September 4, 2017

logo desight

This week we have been doing logos this one is about me.If you have any please fell free to comment and give me some tips.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

complex senticents

This week we have been learning how to write a complex sentence.  First we looked at a picture then we made two simple sentences and put them together with a conjunction.

As I was summoning the Grim Reaper I was thinking of not summoning him although it turned out he was already there.

Friday, September 1, 2017


This week for cybersmart we had to do this mindmup for do and don't do. This is my one and I hope you like it.