
Saturday, December 22, 2018

Summer learning journey week 1 day 2

Activity 1
Giants Amongst Us

The NZ Kauri Tree:

I would love to be someone who gets to visit the infamous endemic Kauri Tree the Tane Mahuta because it would be amazing to see something that is so old and still living. I would like to see how many of my family members it would take for us to all link arms and do a big group hug around the tree. It would be an amazing experience and cool to be able to tell people that I saw the oldest living Kauri tree in person. 

Activity 2
Fabulous Ferns

Silver Ferns: Image result for silver ferns uniform
Black ferns:Image result for black ferns uniform
Image result for tall ferns uniforms
Tall Ferns:

Out of these three teams I  would prefer the Black Ferns uniform because it looks comfy and I like the design of the uniform the best out of the 3.

Activity 3/bounce
Weird and Wonderful

3 ml of water for a whole year would equal 1,095 ml

First I would times 300 by 3 = 900
then I would times 60 by 3 = 180
lastly I would times 5 by 3 = 15
 Add all of these together and it totals 1,095 ml


Thursday, December 20, 2018

Summer Learning Journey week 1 day 1

Summer Learning Journey week 1 day 1
My top 3 fun facts about New Zealand 

  • Wow, did you know that more New Zealanders own cars than anywhere else in the world, 2.5 million cars to 4 million people , that's a lot!

  • The land of the long white cloud...  New Zealand...  Aotearoa... Did you know that the moari name for New Zealand is Aotearoa and that means The Land of the Long White Cloud.

  •  THE PACIFIC RIM OF FIRE!!!  sounds pretty scary right?    New Zealand is part of the pacific rim of fire, in the middle of the north island is Mount Ruapehu  which is the most active volcano.

                                                                           Activity 2

I live in the beautiful Garden City... Christchurch. Some of my favourite things about my hometown are that we have some amazing beaches, all of them being different, New Brighton beach has a great pier so you can amble down the pier over the cold glistening water, it has facts about the build written on it and its history. Sumner beach has some fantastic caves  and rocks to explore with the water splashing at your feet, plus it has many more beautiful beaches to explore.
One of my most favourite places is the wandering Waimakariri river where I like to take my dog to play in the  shallow water, it has a lots of different sized sticks that he loves to play with.
I enjoy the new multi complex of movie theatres in the central city with amazing food places there as well.  They have huge lazy-boy recliners for you to relax while you watch.  The screens are massive and have an amazing picture. The sound booms out around the theatre to make you jump a mile high out of your seat.

Image result for cave rock sumner

                                                                        Bounce activity