
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Title How does it work?

This week we have been describing how to use scissor.We had to describe what scissors look like. I found hard to describe to add all the detailed.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Novel study

For the whole term we are learning about novel, Asking question's about character's.We also are looking deeper into the character to see how they develop and impact the story. I know that there is a main character and the rest of the characters are called miner characters. I know the in a novel there is a problem and a solution to the problem. I know that good readers find out the answer even if it not in the book. If you know everything about novel, questioning and characters please tell me in the comments.

Thursday, July 5, 2018


In reading I have been reading about carnival for the last 2 week I have been writing down facts about the carnival. I found hard finding all the information.Here is all my information and work.


For Friday last week we didn't have winter sports because we had a hangi everyone was here .Mr Moriarty ,Mrs Harris and others woke up early in the morning to prepare  the Hangi Pit It was very delicious.

Myth and legends

For inquiry i have been doing myth and legends.I found hard was trying to find all of the is some information on it.

Monday, July 2, 2018

feeling poem

For the week we did a feeling poem and our principal challenged us to make the opsitecet of our other and put them side by side on a blog post here they are.